"The world is mad" – we’ve all heard or even said that more times than we can remember, but if that’s the case, how did this sorry state of affairs come about and why isn’t anyone doing anything about it? Everybody seems to find it very easy to complain about the state of the world and everything that’s wrong in society, but isn’t the world our own creation? After all, the world is nothing more than the people inhabiting it and their relationships with one another. It’s also all too easy to become depressed about the state of the world and the horror and insanity of it all, but what is that insanity and horror other than a reflection of the current state of human consciousness?
It’s no exaggeration to say that we live in a world that is predominantly run by fear and greed – it’s run by the ego in other words. It’s easy enough to point one’s finger at politicians and people in power, and designate them as culprits of our planet's miseries, and while many of them are obviously guilty of very serious crimes against the people they are supposed to be serving, blaming them doesn’t solve the problem. It has been said that we get the political leaders we deserve, and there is some truth in that. The presidents, prime ministers and whoever else we think it is that decide things aren’t that much different from all the rest of us. They might have a position in society that’s very different from anything most of us will ever know, but their quality of consciousness is more or less the same as that of most everybody else.
The vast majority of people still live in the grip of ego, of seeing themselves as separate entities engaged in a life and death struggle for survival. Living in this way, we all want to grab as much as we can for ourselves, without much consideration for the whole. Why would our leaders and other influential people be any different?
A lot of people are still buying into the illusion that new political leadership will bring about “change”, but history has shown us time and again that this hardly ever happens. All politicians the world over throughout history have promised “change” once they get into power, but the fact is that nothing much ever changes in this way. If we want more enlightened and compassionate politicians and leaders we ourselves are going to have to be more enlightened and compassionate. Somebody once said that we have to be the change that we want to see in the world, and this is absolutely true. A world without fear, conflict, oppression and war can only come about through each individual manifesting the qualities of love, harmony, freedom and peace in his or her own life.
It is therefore obvious that it will take a shift in consciousness for anything “out there” to change at all. At the present time, it is all too obvious that there are only a handful people living a life free of fear and greed, and the world reflects this perfectly. However, if and when a radical revolution in consciousness does take place, the world will be transformed accordingly. This is what it takes. It is not going to make much difference trying to instigate change on the outer level as long as nothing changes within.
Does this mean that there is no place for social and political action in the world? No, it doesn’t mean that. An individual who has reached spiritual maturity may well be moved to instigate and carry out social and political action, but without an inner foundation of peace, love and freedom any social and political action will only perpetuate the current state of affairs and bring about more misery. This is not the same as to say that we might as well not bother trying to correct what’s wrong in the world. Whenever we feel moved to help others in need, disseminate information or campaign for causes we feel strongly about, we can honour that impulse and still do a lot of good in the world as long as the motivation arises from a space of compassion and wisdom, and not from one of vanity and selfishness.
What’s more important than anything else, though, is to realise the urgent need for a fundamental transformation of human consciousness. In the long run, this is the only solution to humanity’s problems, and the only thing that can bring about real change in the world. Spiritual transformation is not an abstract idea or a fancy notion dreamt up by some philosopher or guru somewhere. It is quite simply the transmutation of fear into love, greed into generosity and war into peace. This needs to happen on an individual level, and therefore we are all directly and personally responsible for the creation of a new world built on the foundation of peace, love, harmony and freedom.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Friday, 1 May 2009
The urgency of spiritual transformation
It is fairly obvious that we live in a time of great upheaval and change, and I also think it is clear that a new kind of world now needs to come into existence. It is not an exaggeration to say that humanity is in big trouble, in all areas of life and society. There are wars, conflict, poverty, destruction of the environment, all sorts of physical hardships and psychological suffering etc, seemingly without end.
As far as I can see, the present crisis, clearly the most serious and far-reaching humanity has ever faced, is not primarily a political, social, economic or cultural crisis. It is fundamentally a crisis of consciousness, as we have now reached the stage in the evolution of human consciousness where the old mind, with its egoistic, self-centred way of life, is no longer sustainable. Whether we like it or not, and whether we are aware of it or not; the fact is that we are left with the option to evolve into a higher state of consciousness or become extinct. All the upheaval on the outer level, whether it's economic, social or political, is but a reflection of the inner turmoil of the human mind. We currently have all sorts of conflicts going on in the world, but that is only a result of our inner state of conflict. It might actually be more accurate to say that the outer is an extension of the inner, because this split into inner and outer truly is very arbitrary, and should perhaps be seen as a figure of speech and not a description of actual reality. In any case, peace on earth can only come about through each and every one of us creating or finding a state of lasting inner peace.
When we look at the world around us, it might be easy to despair, because it all looks so difficult and so full of conflict, pain and misery. At the present time, virtually everything we are doing in all areas of life is life-denying, negative and based on selfishness. We can see this clearly displayed everywhere; just look at what's happening in politics, law, health care, education, religion etc. I'm reminded now of a quote by Michael Ellner which I think sums it up nicely:
“Just look at us! Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality.”
Well, it doesn't have to be like this of course, and I think it's obvious that things are changing. It's as if a new consciousness is in the process of being born; one that is free of ego, selfishness, greed, fear and all the rest of it. The new consciousness that we need to embody, and that can only be born through each individual, is one rooted in peace, wisdom, stillness, creativity and love. Nothing less will do now.
Most people might still be unaware of the awakening that is unfolding at this time, and might be too busy worrying about the state of the economy etc, but we are all at least potentially ready for a quantum leap in consciousness, which would create a new earth and a new world, and is the only thing that can save us from ourselves and our current destructive and negative way of life.
It would appear that we are presently engaged in some kind of monumental, epic battle between good and evil forces, darkness and light, love and fear, or however one might want to describe it. Yes, it is true that there are very dark and powerful forces at play in the world at this time, and in many cases they reach right to the heart of politics, corporations, the major media etc. Some of the people embodying this kind of darkness and evil are well known public figures who might put on masks of altruism and humanitarianism, but it's often not that difficult to see through this and see them for what they are. Others again work behind the scenes, as it were, and are not known to the general public.
However, it is also equally true that very powerful beings of light, love and compassion have incarnated on earth at this time. Some of them will be quite well known, others totally unknown to the vast majority of us. Hardly any of these people seem to be in positions of great power in society at the present time, but that may not be of any importance anyway. Beings of true love and wisdom do not need influence on the outer level, and their work is equally successful regardless of what position they hold in society or how people in general perceive them.
Nothing is ever totally black and white, and there are of course a great many different energies and forces operating on this planet and beyond in these times. What is true though is that we are now faced with a very stark choice (if at all it can be seen as being on the level of "choice"): We either evolve into a new level of consciousness or we die. It's that simple, and although this might seem like an extreme statement for some people, or maybe even like a rather scary prospect, there really is no question that this is the challenge we are facing.
It has been obvious for a very long time that because of the way we live and interact with each other and nature, humanity will face exceedingly difficult times at some point in the future, most probably in the form of a global crisis of unimaginable proportions. On the other hand, I have no doubt whatsoever that the power of love, peace and wisdom will eventually save the day. Unconditional love is the greatest power there is and will dispel the darkness of fear and greed just like the sun chases the night away and brings light in the morning. After all, what is darkness but an absence of light, and what is fear but an absence of love?
The transformation of human consciousness in no longer a luxury; it is an urgent need. We don't have much time left to make this a manifest reality in our world, and it might seem like it's next to impossible, especially if we look at what is going on in the world today and the insanity of the human mind, but the fact is that it is happening. It is as if this urge for a complete inner mutation is coming from a place far beyond the human mind and what we presently think of as "ourselves". The more we let it happen and welcome it, rather than resist or fight it (which in part is what the forces of darkness are doing), the easier it will be for this transformation to happen, both in the life of the individual, and for the planet as a whole. We are very fortunate to be here at this time, because the changes we are witnessing to a greater and greater extent are of a magnitude that is unprecedented in human history. It is our responsibility, good fortune and great privilege to be the channels through which the new consciousness will manifest on this planet, and it is something that should be celebrated rather than thought of as a burden or a problem. God only knows what lies ahead for us, but peace, love and freedom will ultimately prevail. That's the only prediction we can make with any degree of certainty.
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