The picture above is of Glastonbury Tor, which is a hill just outside the town of Glastonbury in Somerset, England. I was fortunate to spend some time there in July this year, and came to realise that Glastonbury Tor has qualities and powers that you wouldn't normally associate with any physical place on this Earth.
Glastonbury is a very special place, and has attracted spiritual seekers and pilgrims for thousands of years, right up to this day. I feel this is largely due to the energy that's focused in Glastonbury Tor. I cannot say what this power, this energy really is, only that it is there, pulling me like a magnet. There are many theories and beliefs surrounding the Tor, but I have no way of knowing if any of them really explains the mystery of the Tor.
What I do know is that there is a power at the Tor that can potentially affect anyone who spends time there. I have been to Glastonbury several times, and always feel that I need to spend at least a few days there to truly tune into the energy of the Tor. This time it was different though, because I felt completely captivated by the Tor straight away, and spent nearly all my time there and in the beautiful and magical Chalice Well Gardens at the foot of the Tor.
I left Glastonbury in a different internal space from when I arrived, as if I had gone through a death and rebirth process. Outwardly, in my dealings with people and the world, everything seems the same; I do much the same things, act in much the same ways, but inside I no longer feel the same kind of attachment to any of it as before. I no longer feel that what is happening and what I am doing is something that truly belongs to me. I do stuff and things are happening, but I don't tend to take any of it too seriously anymore.
None of this is easy to explain and probably won't mean much if you haven't been through something like this yourself. My feeling is that the power of Glastonbury Tor acts like a trigger for whatever is potentially ready to flower in whoever comes within its energy field.
If you feel drawn to visit Glastonbury I recommend spending at least a few days there. The town of Glastonbury itself is a very nice place with lots of wonderful people and interesting things going on, but to me the main focus will always be the Tor. I don't have to do anything in particular, don't have to practice any particular kind of meditation or engage in prayers, special rituals or anything like that while I'm there. For others it might be different, but for me the presence of Glastonbury Tor is enough in itself.
For first class accommodation at the base of the Tor:
For top quality aromatherapy and healing in Glastonbury: