Life itself is the greatest mystery. Life is all, so it truly is the only mystery there is. It really is a miracle that anything exists at all. Is this something that anyone can ever understand? How come life exists at all? How come anything exists? What is existence? What if nothing existed at all, not even non-existence or pure emptiness? Even trying to imagine it seems impossible. How did all of this life, existence, universe come into being? We can't even imagine it. Nobody truly knows what life is and the only thing anyone can ever say with certainty is: I am. That's all. I can't doubt existence, because in order to doubt or question anything, existence must be there in the first place. I might not understand what existence is, but it is a fact that can't be disputed.
So existence is, but we have no way of knowing or understanding what it is or what it is for, if it is for anything at all. We might think we do, and we might have all sorts of theories and explanations for it, but the truth of the matter is that on the level of mind and thought we are perfectly ignorant. We might talk about the big bang, or about God having created it all and come up with all sorts of fanciful ideas, but that's all just theory and speculation. We usually take life for granted, and live our life as best we can, but that doesn't mean we understand what life is. There is a fallacy right there in how we think about "my life", because that seems to imply that one has a "life", which really is quite meaningless. We don't have a "life"; we are LIFE. There is no difference between what I am and what life is. It is all one. It is all one being, all one consciousness, all one existence.
If the word God is to have any kind of meaning at all, it must be as a synonym for being, for all-inclusive and unlimited creative conscious intelligence. God in this sense is greater, more magnificent, more omnipotent and more multi-dimensional than anyone could ever know. It is also something that is completely and utterly beyond any kind of human understanding or comprehension.
It is the only true intelligence, and it is of such magnitude that even the greatest human endeavour is utterly trivial in comparison, yet all human endeavour is obviously part of it, or an expression of it. It's just that the human mind is too small and limited to truly grasp the totality of it. This becomes obvious just by observing nature in all its expression. Just look at what immense creativity is at play in nature. How incredibly sophisticated it all is; just thinking about the magnificent miracle of it is enough to make you feel dizzy. The human mind can't even begin to understand it, and how it all works so perfectly. It is obvious that there is conscious, creative intelligence at work here that's truly miraculous and utterly mindboggling.
Life as we know it didn't happen by chance, there is clearly intelligent design at work, but not in the sense that most people think of it, not in the sense of a "God" somewhere that for some inexplicable reason decided to create something or other. That is a very primitive and childish view of creation. Creation didn't happen in the past; creation is now. It is all now. Past and future are concepts created by the human mind, and have no kind of objective reality. Creation is constantly unfolding, and it is synonymous with the all-inclusive conscious intelligence that is life itself.
And yet, in spite of all of the above, which all seems reasonable enough, I have nothing to declare but my ignorance.
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